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Colombia - Huila

Colombia - Huila

Colombia - Huila - 12 oz. 
Whole Bean

Bright acidity with sweet notes of chocolate, Stone Fruit and green grape. A medium body and a clean finish.

All of our beans are roasted to order and will be shipped within 5-7 days.

Region: Pitalito
Community/mill: Various smallholders
Altitude: 1500-1800 meters ASL 
Processing: Washed

About This Coffee: 

Pitalito Colombia Excelso Green Coffee BeansPitalito is the second most populous municipality in Huila, Colombia. The climate is humid, and temperatures usually range between 18-21ºC throughout the year except during May, June, and July, when the temperature dips to 12-14ºC. This coffee is named for the Tiple instrument, which is used in traditional Colombian music. El Tiple is Genuine Origin’s way of making crowd-pleasing Colombia green coffee more accessible to roasters as a blend that explores Colombia’s distinctive micro-climates and flavor profiles. All the coffees were sourced from small, family-owned farms ranging in altitudes from 1,500-1,800masl. In this coffee, you’ll find notes of milk chocolate, stone fruit, almond, and green apple, with a bright acidity and medium body perfect for espresso or filter coffees.


Excelso – Colombian Coffee Quality Designation

The Colombia Coffee Federation classifies and evaluates green coffee quality by screen size and the number of defects present in a sample. In Colombia, green coffee beans are considered specialty if it scores above 80 points, has zero primary defects, and has no more than five secondary defects in a 500g sample.


The Excelso classification signifies that the green coffee has a screen size of 14. That means the beans have passed through a sifter with holes that are 14/64 inch wide. Larger-sized beans are often correlated with higher quality, although screen size is not the only indicator of coffee quality.


Another classification for coffee quality is European Process (EP). This indicates that there are no more than four defects per 1,000 coffee beans and is part of the sorting process that the coffee goes through before it’s packed and shipped.


Washed Process Green Coffee Beans

In the “washed” or “wet” process coffee cherries are floated and sorted to ensure consistent ripeness and to remove any defective cherries. The seeds (coffee beans) are then removed from their skins using depulping machines and typically moved to fermentation tanks to remove the mucilage—the remaining fruit remnants. Afterward, the coffee is dried until it reaches its optimal moisture level.


Washed processing has become widely popular, but, as its name suggests, can be highly water-intensive. The cup profile of washed coffees tends to reflect the terroir of the coffee. The processing method allows the growing conditions, the region, and the true character of the coffee to shine through.



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